Thursday, January 15, 2009

Living with Dignity Blog

I am very new to blogs, when I developed this blog I thought why not this could at least be a forum for all of those who I have been working for and who actually want to be heard. I was excited and my friends working in the development field and also those friends who do not work in this field but sympathize with the "big cause" really egged my to open the blog page.

I was excited, and did it, I called literally each of my friends up and asked them to contribute about issues, incidences, cases,causes, opinions, defining moments, and everybody was like yes we will do it, but strangely enough except for a few actually none of them had anything to say, Surprised of course I am. When I have colloquiums, discussions and meetings in my office, everybody wants to talk, but through the blog very few want to speak.

I don't mean to point fingers at any of my friends, it is just that every day people who have been stigmatized drop by at my office, these are sad stories, yesterday a a young man of 18 from of a premier Engineering College dropped by to tell how he was harassed for his sexual orientation and his mannerisms, he said, "Madam, I try to control my mannerisms, but the more I do the more pronounced it becomes. I just don't know what to do, i want to be accepted and complete my studies.

A week back, we had to go to a village in Orissa, where a widow and her family had been beaten black and blue and kicked out of the village, their crime, her husband had died of AIDS related illnesses, and she was HIV positive.

In our neighbourhood, a women of 72 lives alone, as her children are in far off places, and she drops by everyday during her morning walk and the reason, my house is the noisiest, dogs barking children howling, me shouting. She has a cup of coffee and shares her stories of isolation from others.

is it not apt that I have named this blog Living with dignity.

Today I went on to Mr. Amitabh Bachhan's blog to see what makes 400-500 followers, everyday come and peep into the site, read Mr. Bachhan's words of wisdom?? Oh yeah! him talking about Akshay Kumar and Deepika and their movies premiere in London, his discussions about the entire Bachhan clan, his opinions against the phenomenal movie, "Slum dog Millionaire".

I think I need to cultivate a few filmi friends to make this blog work.



1 comment:

Simi said...

Well said. I notice that the day has passed, and we have still not got a response! Well, tomorrow is another day, and we live in hope. Anybody who is reading this, please do write something. Odisha-One and all its members really need you to say something.