Friday, February 27, 2009

Are we disturbing the social system?

Recently, I have an argument with one of my friend on Gender, sex & sexuality. According to him, we people are disturbing & destroying the social strictures. He is very religionist also. He argued that we should not encourage these sexual minorities i.e. LGBTQ. We are welcoming the western culture & destroying our great Indian culture. Then, I countered him by telling about core values of SRH i.e. we should give respect & dignity to the existed diversities of choices to achieve the equality. It’s the right of an individual whatever may be his sexual orientation. We should be empathetic towards LGBTQ as they are struggling each moment to prove their identity in this heterosexual monogamous society. Like A gay’s sexual orientation is towards a man only. He can not accept to have sex with a female. It’s not their fault. God has created like this. Each moment they are in turmoil & we people make them more vulnerable & harassed by putting stereotype questions.

If we shall not approve their sexual orientation, then whether we are not barring them from their basic need (sex)? We can not live without it. Then, what’s about their urge, rights? He questioned me that can I get married or have sex with my brother? My answer was ‘no’. Again, he told that a time will come Mother will tell that she has sexual orientation towards her daughter(with consensus) or brother will say he has sexual orientation towards his sister. At that time again a few NGO will bred up & do advocacy or fight for their rights or mobilize people to respect their choices keeping in view of 05 core values of SRH because, we should respect to their sexual orientation. I did not accept it. At last, he concluded that we people are doing a mumbo-jumbo in the name of social service. They are not really needy.

After that moment, I am feeling very unrest because I was not able to mobilize him by giving sufficient justifications. How can I justify my work? I know I am right. But, I have no strong argument to counter his question.

Dear friends, Can anybody help me? Are you also facing such problems? If yes, how you handle it assertively?

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