Thursday, February 26, 2009

A query

I recently recieved a query through SMS ( am unable to trace the number in my mobile)as follows:
What is second republic mentality in participatory programming?
Frankly to tell you the truth I donot have the answer to this, however I have tried to break the term up and understand what that exactly means.

Republic if I put it simply refers to being governed by elected representative of the people and a elected president(e.g Republic of China).

Mentality refers to a particular person's way of thinking.

Participatory programming refers to a process that involves all the stakeholders into a process or activity and produces certain outcomes which would be beneficial to all the stakeholders.

I am really not sure how to link all these terms up and come up with a definite answer, so all you blog readers if you have the answer to this, please respond, as I too am curious to know what 'second republic mentality in participatory programming refers to.



rashmita said...

It's me, Mam. Actually, I hv encountered with this word from a material of Care.It is written as following:
Field Wisdom: Political Realities as faced by CARE ZAMBIA

ZAMBIA & Second Republic Mentality.:
Care Zambia staff frequently cite" Second Republic Mentality"(SRM)as a major obstacle in mobilizing people to take responsibility for the development of their own communities. SRM refers to people's preference for or dependence on handouts which evolved from widespread govt. welfare programs implemented during the 27-yr tenure of President Kenneth Kaunda.

After going through this paragraph, still, I didn't understand what it implies. It's a book developed by CARE i.e. EMBRACING PARTICIPATION IN DEVELOPMENT: Worldwide experience from CARE's Reproductive Health Programs with a step by step field guide to participatory tools & techniques.

Still , it's my confusion. If anybody can help me, then I will be very thankful.

Sarita said...

I think you have answered your own question if SRM refers to people's preference for or dependence on handouts which evolved from widespread govt welfare programmes, then the reason why they call it second republic mentality is the fact that once you elect representatives then you presume that they are the ones who will take care of everyone's needs, and there is a dependence of the community on the elected representative to provide and cater to everyone's needs.
