Monday, December 28, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Sunanda: My Friend
Sunanda is a hermaphrodite(this was something I understood after starting to work in this sector) which currently has been replaced by the term intersexual. That is humans with typical reproductive organs but typical clitoris/penis. People with Intersex conditions sometimes chose to live exclusively as one sex or the other trying to blend into the sex they identify with more closely. Some people who are intersexed outwardly appear completely female or male already without realizing they are intersexed. Other kinds of Intersex conditions are identified immediately at birth because those with the conditions have a sexual organ larger than a clitoris and smaller than a penis.
Working in the field of Sexual Reproductive Health and HIV&AIDS you hear on stigma and discrimination and you realize how deep rooted heterosexism is. We talk about respect, dignity and tolerance but somehow it is not evidence in our day to day life. Sunanda was beautiful but had a hard life, now when i read about Caster Semenya she reminds me of Sunanda. We keep debating about her gender whether she should compete or not which gender should she belong to. When Caster smiles it is pure sunshine, same as Sunanda but who cares.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Disability and Sexual Reproductive Health & Rights.
Supreme court's pro-life decision.
The HC had ordered medical termination of the girl's 19-week-old pregnancy after coming to the conclusion that since she was unable to take care of herself, she should be relieved of the pregnancy given the state of her condition — both mental and physical.
The HC was guided by opinion of two panels of doctors, including psychiatrists and gynaecologists, which assessed the rape victim to be of the mental age of 7-9 years. They had expressed concern over her ability to undertake pre-natal and post-natal precautions and care, though they were unanimous that she was physically fit to carry the pregnancy and deliver the child.
The SC allowed her to keep the pregnancy as it was in an advanced stage and the National Trust for Mentally Retarded pledged to take care of the mother and child for the rest of their lives.
Initially, a Bench comprising Chief Justice K G Balakrishnan and Justices P Sathasivam and B S Chauhan, which in the past has dismissed PILs seeking abolition of death sentence, appeared to be torn between the mentally retarded girl's right to motherhood and its apprehension about the child's future.
The unfortunate girl's case was presented in a legal docket scribbled with emotional arguments by counsel Tanu Bedi, who sought the SC's intervention to allow the orphan girl to have her first blood relation through the child she was carrying.
"If her mental age is a consideration for the judiciary to think that she cannot take care of her baby, why should poor women, who are found lacking in bringing up their children, be allowed to become mothers," Bedi asked.
Appearing for Chandigarh administration, counsel Anupam Gupta referred to the support flowing in from NGOs for the rape victim and said it would be wrong to get swayed by the response of NGOs as there was no guarantee that they would continue doing so for the entire lifetime of the girl and the child after it was born.
When the court asked why the state could not take care of the mother and child, Gupta said, "Let's not get swept off our feet by euphoria shown by NGOs to support the mentally challenged girl and let's not be blind to the ground reality. Even normal parents take it as a setback if their child turns out to be mentally challenged. If the mentally challenged girl's child turns out to be mentally retarded, then will the NGOs be there to lend support constantly and continuously?"
The Bench conceded that the girl was not in a position to take care of herself and her child. "The foetus is fine and does not appear to suffer from any deformity. We cannot say for sure whether the child will be mentally retarded. The pregnancy is in an advanced stage. Moreover, if someone agrees to take care of the mother through the pregnancy and the child when it is born, then why should she be deprived of motherhood," it said.
Times of India
Friday, July 10, 2009
Article 377
The judgment of the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi in affirming rights of homosexuals is a great landmark decision; it has come through after a long and painful struggle of the LGBT groups and organizations, and support groups. But this is not the end; this is just the beginning for a greater struggle for full rights, dignity and complete acceptance by the majority, families, and society at large. The struggle will come to an end only when gays do not have feel shy, guilty, defensive, and give endless justifications on their sexuality and sexual orientation to the other side, i.e. Heterosexuals who are in majority, and sitting on the seat of judgment.
The judgment of the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi has generated strong reactions for various religious groups, organizations, and political groups. Some are vociferous in their criticism and some are cautious. Some condemn it, and some pass it over, and gays celebrate it. Media have brought many debates to the surface now.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Documentary: Dinare Basanta Aame aau Raati Re Basanti.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
My Perspective
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Jai HO

Today is the Pabitra Bahuda Yatra, today Lord Jagannath accompanied by brother Balabhadra and sister Subhadra return back home to
A bench comprising of Chief Justice Ajit Prakash Shah and Justice S Muralidhar said that if not amended, Section 377 of the IPC would violate Article 21 of the Indian Constitution, which states that every citizen has equal opportunity of life and is equal before law.
"We declare Section 377 of IPC in so far as it criminalises consensual sexual acts of adults in private violates Articles 14, 21 and 15 of the Constitution," the Bench comprising Chief Justice A P Shah and Justice S Muralidhar said. However, Section 377 of the IPC which criminalises homosexuality will continue for non-consensual, non-vaginal sex.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Statement on Mandatory Testing by Loknath Mishra
BY -- Loknath Mishra,
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Gay community in Orissa(India): social discrimination and their fight for their Rights and Dignity in the society
(This is a letter from Ratikanta Pradhan to Satya Sundar Mishra the founder member of SAKHA a CBO established to fight for the rights and dignity of LGBTs in Orissa.
Gay community in Orissa(India): social discriminiation and their fight for their Rights and Dignity in the society
Yes, i am very proud to be a gay. I think that God has a good and noble reason behind creating me like this, so i am happy being a gay. And moreover, we gays play a very important role and contribute a good amount of development initiatives to the society in particualr and as a whole in the world. I dont think we should regreet about being gay and our identity and sexual orientation is natural. We behave and are feminine in our movements except that we do not posses physcial attributes of a women.
But, at the same time, we face a lot of problems regarding our identity and respect and place in the society. There is widespread problem of ragging from physcial to mental as well as economic being a gay in the society. In Orissa(India) society as they are yet to understand us, Society still thinks same sex relation is unnatural and against the order of nature. Gays still face social stigma and other forms of exploitation in each and every field.
Gays in India do feel happy when people accept us, understand our emotions and sentiments. But that itself is not enough we would feel even better and proud if our uniqueness was accepted as normal. Many educated people encourage us and support us in our fight for your dignity and Rights and rightful place in the society.
Now, we have started a association called "SAKHA"(friend) in Bhubaneswar, which primarily works for the development and welfare of the sexual minorities We have been celebrating and coming together on different occasions; The World AIDS Day and organising different workshops regarding the sexual reproductive health, HIV&AIDS, formation of self-help groups and organising other recrational events.
I would take this opportunity to thank Mr. Satya Sundar Mishra
(Subhi/subham)) for his contribution and hard work and for establishing this platform I hope and appeal to all gay people who re living in and around Bhubaneswar please come foreward and fight for our Rights with altogether
I Wish all of us success
Monday, June 15, 2009
Shiny Ahuja the brilliant actor involved in raping his own 18 year old maid. There will probably be two kinds of opinion, if it is rape then he should be jailed, if it is consensual then probably he is not at fault. EXCUSE ME which ever way it goes it is rape. A young susceptible 17/18 year old girl from a poor marginalized background who is uneducated works in your house as a domestic maid for a paltry sum, who is lead/seduced by a married man in his thirties, who is a film actor ( Mr. Shiney Ahuja who proudly claims to be a thinking actor) to indulge in sex, when his wife and child are away. Do you still feel that this is right if it was consensual?
I think the media(print, audio, video) throws a lot of questions which need to be looked into and pondered before community becomes the judge and jury and pronounces a verdict.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Are we well protected???
He went to the Commissionerate of Police office to discuss with the higher police officials. He met a higher official; surprisingly the higher official was very reluctant and asked my husband as to why we were getting these calls when he or his family never got any calls making my husband feel as if we were the perpetrators. My husband was surprised and shocked and angry with the response.
Now I realize why there is so much of fear amongst the marginalized and vulnerable groups and communities that I work with when I suggest that they should go to police with their complaints on violation, abuse of their rights. I realized then and there how difficult it must be for an ordinary citizen to first approach a police station to lodge a complaint as an FIR (a station diary is not a FIR I knew the difference only after this experience).
SO what is the difference between a FIR and a station diary? In brief FIR or First Information Reports have to immediately be registered by Officers who are in-charge of a police station based on a complaint or information given by a victim regarding any cognizable offence. By cognizable offence the law says that any offence in which a police officer may in accordance with the first schedule or CR P.C (1973) or under any other law for the time being without any force arrest without warrant. The Station General Diary is used just to record every major incident (e.g. theft, murder, traffic accidents) happening within the jurisdiction of the police station on a daily basis. The General Diary is likely to be maintained by a veteran Head Constable, and is just a record of events which does not necessarily culminate into action taken by the police station. If the complaint has not been lodged as an FIR then the police are under obligation to investigate the matter and file an investigation report, however in case of a Station General Diary they are not under any obligation to file any written report or investigate.
This is just a drop of information on how one can take the help of police. I am surely going to learn more about this system and I will keep you all posted.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
The petition/grievance letter instead of coming to the GIPA Coordinator for addressal went to the State Mainstreaming Unit, who after sitting over the petition for over a month sent it to the CARE, SUPPORT TREATMENT Consultant, Dr. U. K. Tripathy, who incidentally was a member of the selection board of the same interview for his views. Dr. U. K. Tripathy in his noting has detailed out the reason for not selecting Shri. Banamali Naik citing that as Mr. Naik was above 40 years of age, he was not selected. Dr. U. K. Tripathy himself is a retired gentleman above 60 and is very efficiently and effectively serving as CST Consultant in Orissa State AIDS CONTROL SOCIETY.
One needs to ask Orissa State Control Society the following questions:
- What is the job description of the GIPA COORDINATOR and why was he not a part of the selection process?
- What does equal employment opportunity mean to Orissa State AIDS Control Society and how have they been adhering to it?
- Why does NACO stress upon equal employment opportunity in all the State AIDS Control Societies when the State of Orissa does not believe in it, and how does NACO ensure that the State Control Societies adhere to the norms and operational guidelines developed by NACO?
Monday, May 4, 2009
In India in the NGO sector with donor pressure equal employment opportunity has been added to increase the participation of minorities, vulnerable groups, sexual minorities and women in the workplace. Every advertisement in the paper placed by civil society organizations, voluntary organizations carries in very small fonts, and specifies, that they are equal opportunity employer and would like women, PLHIV, sexual minorities to apply.
But do these workplaces encourage and promote equal employment opportunity?
Do these workplace sensitize its workers on appropriate behaviour and appropriate attitude free from discrimination on the basis of race, sex, creed, religion, sexual behaviour, PLHIV status?
No not really, employers/employees still carry their baggage and discriminatory behaviour, attitude and this is reflected in the way they behave with those who they think are beneath them.
A PLHIV friend of mine who is working as GIPA Coordinator in one of the State Control Societies was moaning about the attitude of his colleagues in the office, who have sidelined him and isolated him within the office. He is never invited to meetings and forces himself on everybody to at least notice him. He is scared of complaining as he fears that he might lose his job and somebody else who is close to the Project Director might get this job.
In a national level organization with international donors lining up their door, which works on Malaria, tuberculosis, HIV&AIDS etc, the Regional Director proudly said in one of the meetings with us that it was an equal employment opportunity organization and the receptionist was a female and its Community Organizers were women. We were sitting in a room full of men in this particular organization in which I and my colleagues were the only females.
Have we really created a workplace which is friendly to all and which can be accessed and is discrimination free?
Have we trained all within our organizations on stigma and discrimination and established a professional atmosphere which promotes and provides dignity to all and is free from biases and prejudices against women, PLHIV/AIDS, sexual minorities, caste, skin colour etc.
Next time when you see an advertisement equal employment opportunity or the next time when your organization proudly claims that it is an equal employment opportunity agency think hard and assess whether these claims are true; if yes then great but if
it is not what can you do to change this?
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Kali Mausi met many NGOs, Officials and begged them to give her and her community an opportunity to vote, but without any success. On 23 April, Kali Mausi went early in the morning to beg and convince the polling officers of the 112 Assembly Constituency/Booth at Sahidnagar Primary School to cast her vote. The Polling Officers who were initially reluctant, took a lenient view and gave her permission to cast her vote when she showed them her marriage certificate and marriage photographs.
Kali Mausi was ecstatic and gave credit for this to a Community Mobilizer, Lakhmidhar Pradhan working in an EU/Interact/Lepra Project in the slums of Bhubaneswar. Lakhmidhar Pradhan has been tirelessly working with the hijras and other marginalized and invisible communities in the slums of Bhubaneswar since the last sixteen years, and since the past one year he had been trying to enroll the names of all the hijras in the electoral list.
‘This is my birthright and I deserve to vote’ was all that Kali Mausi expressed when asked how she felt.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Privacy, Confidentiality and Us
The Mumbai Mirror, a popular newspaper of Mumbai, on Friday published the statement made by the victim to the police, and in detail have also published the victims, age, her country of origin, and the course she was enrolled in. As there are not many international students in TISS it was not very difficult for the entire college to know the victims identity. Many organizations and activists have strongly condemned about this violation of the victims right and dignity. The newspaper can argue they have not named her, but they have otherwise revealed her identity. They may have kept the law, but they violated its spirit.”
Closer home in Orissa, disclosing identities of victims and the marginalized is quite common and done without any scruples. PLHIVs identity have regularly been disclosed by the Health Care Providers and Counselors who have access to VCCTC reports. NGOs have regularly disclosed identities of the PLHIV and victims who come to them for help and who they are supposed to protect. Abortion clinics have disclosed identities of young unmarried women who have had abortion.
In fact many of us can come up with more incidents where the law has been violated by revealing identities which should have been protected. I know an incident where so called friends of a gay friend of mine have disclosed his identity to his parents, who were yet to know of this, and he had to go through a lot of pain and humiliation when he was kicked out of his home and his parents’ life, it was harrowing for him.
WHAT IS WRONG WITH US, we are a nation of tattlers and gossip mongers, and our media is like us. We have no respect for individual dignity, nor do we believe that it needs to be protected. Should we not be doing something about it???
Monday, April 20, 2009
HIV&AIDS and Orissa
However these figures may not be a true reflection of the HIV status in Orissa as:
- No comprehensive study has been conducted to assess the magnitude of the problem.
- Although ICTC/VCCTC facilities are available, there are intermittent gaps in procurement and distribution of essentials such as testing kits.
- No stringent adherence to disease surveillance guidelines as a result many a times in many of the district level data seems to be either inflated or there is underreporting.
In the district of Ganjam the epidemic, which was initially concentrated in certain localities and certain subpopulation, has now spilled over into the wider population. Ganjam also accounts for 43% of all AIDS Cases reported from Orissa. On the national level, Ganjam district is ranked as eighth of the 14 most HIV-affected districts, and has been given a Grade ‘A’, since more than 1 % of the population is now affected by AIDS. As per the latest figures, available from the Behaviour Surveillance Survey Report 2006, Orissa has a prevalence rate of 0.22 % among adult population. Among the districts, Ganjam was at the top with 3.25% followed by Angul with 1.75%, Bolangir 1.25% and Bhadrak 1%.
Despite this grim scenario in Ganjam, only 4 Targeted Intervention Programme are currently being implemented through three NGOs. Aruna which is implementing two of the TIs, GPSS one and a new organization Janasadhana has been working since the past one month.
The population covered through these TIs is hardly 50,000. What is worrying is that though all the 22 Blocks have reported positive cases with Aska and Hinjilikat leading, the TIs are only being implemented in two of the Blocks.
Many National/International Organizations have come to Ganjam and expressed their concern about the situation in Ganjam, however they have rarely spent their resources. Many National/International organizations have access to resources to be spent on HIV&AIDS in Orissa, however majority of the money is not spent on community level initiatives or strenghtening the capacity of local NGOs/CBOs (who will be very effective in prevention initiatives) but on establishing structures of their own, and that too not in Ganjam but in Bhubaneswar. The need of the hour is not establish layers and layers within one's own organization but to build the capacity of local CBOs and NGOs to tackle migration and HIV&AIDS and create a sustainable initiative.
I sincerely do hope that NGOs and CBOs and other civil society organizations come together and along with the Government act as pressure groups for national/international organizations and plan which are the priority areas in Orissa where resources should be poured in and who should be the major beneficiaries of these resources.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Myths in community
- If a couple will intercourse after 03 days of menstruation, then the sex of the child will be female. If it will happen on 5th day after menstruation, then the sex of the child will be male.
- During menstruation, they feel that placent is a red coloured flower which blooms in the uterous & after menstruation, it will be closed. Again in next menstruation it blooms....
- They are unaware about their clitoris.
- In male organs, they coined new terms like
- Prostrate gland- Sukra Bahi Nali
- Seminal Vesicle- Birya Thali
- Cervix- Chua ghara kabata
- Uterus- Chua Ghara
5. Sex is determined by god.
6. Menstruation is impure / dirty.
Similarly, many myths they have. We do review of the day to assess the training. But I need support to devise some new tools to assess the training. I need support for the same.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Denial, Stigma and Discrimination in Health Care Sectors: Part II
We do have only a handful of professionals who seriously try to address issues on DSD, in fact in Orissa only CBOs like Sakha, KNP+, and NGOs like Aruna have been conducting workshops and meetings to address issues related to DSD, starting right from the community level to the State level, however to prevent DSD we do need to collaborate with larger National and International Organizations as well as Government.
Rarely is our focus on establishing quality checks in service delivery mechanisms, or project related activities, because quality checks could be the best way to combat DSD. Our achievements are primarily counted through numbers for e.g Number of STD clinics established, Number of Doctors available, Number of trainings held. Qualitative indicators are rarely included or looked for by donor organizations.
Our MIS fails to include any qualitative indicators. There is a need for us to establish quality checks, and seriously address these through activities and initiatives. Grievance mechanisms need to be established to address clients’ discomfiture or needs of the clients. These grievance mechanisms should be separate, not a part of the existing system.
I am glad that Bismita has talked about Denial Stigma and Discrimination, this is something we need to address especially in the state of Orissa where we are yet to go beyond Targeted Intervention Programme, and address issues pertaining to the rights and dignity of People Living with HIV&AIDS.
I am waiting for Rashmita to speak out, SPEAK UP RASHMITA We love to hear your voice and your ideas.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Denial, stigma & discrimination in health care sectors
The health care providers as well as hospital administrators need to be sensitized on HIV, transmission routes, especially how HIV does not transmit, as well as importance of following Universal Precautions
Monday, April 6, 2009
Harassment at Workplace
One wonders where did the woman go wrong, she wanted quality checks which we rarely integrate into any programme management cycle, she wanted a spending plan which is a important issue in spending resources especially in a resource poor state like Orissa.
Where are we actually heading to as we constantly talk of equality and equity. Have these remained mere jargons and buzz words to recieve more funds from international agency? Despite the fact that women have proved their worth, and proved that they are talented and can lead, they are not given opportunities. Women who are ambitious, assertive and who can give males a competition are still looked down upon and are still thought of as bossy, irritating women, who need to be either beaten up or removed from the organization. I know a unmarried female friend of mine who is highly professional and very much in demand because of her analytical skills is constantly called by her male counterparts a lesbo( a slang for lesbian), because she shines in most of the meeting that she goes to and her ideas are accepted and activities are undertaken.
The NGO sector in Orissa has never ever thought of quality checks within their organizations, nor have they made place for professional women who can contribute substantially to Project cycle management and growth of the organization. The NGO sector has also learnt how to circumvent donor demands and create personal fiefdoms of their own. If the donor looks for women representation within the organization then the wives and maid servants find a place in the Governing Body. In fact in one of the organization that I had visited, the Founder's (who was the Chief Functionary in the organization since the past fifteen years) Cook was the Treasurer.
Why are NGOs who are supposed to be the conscience of the community and civil society at large treat women so poorly, who will address harassment to women at workplace, we still have not established grievance cells to address sexual harassment at workplace which is something every society should have to protect the rights of the women. SO when will we be protecting the rights of the women at workplace. And when will we be actually focussing on protecting the core values of human rights: Respect, Equality, Choice, Diversity and Dignity.
DO share more stories on harassment at workplace we could work together on this.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Legalization of prostitution in New Zealand
In terms of attitudes towards prostitution, New Zealand and Europe are almost as diametrically opposed as they are in geography. Kiwis have opted for wholesale liberalisation of the sex trade, while Europeans are increasingly restricting it. When "Sophie", a medical worker from Christchurch, fell behind on her mortgage payments last year, she found that her job was not paying enough. Her only option was a temporary career change: she became a prostitute. "I needed money fast so I didn't lose my house," she explains. A soft-spoken 30-something with a shy smile, Sophie does not look like the stereotypical scarlet woman, even in the low-cut dress she wears at work. She does not feel like one either. "I don't drink. I don't smoke. I don't do drugs. I'm a vegetarian," she says, adding that she had qualms about her new job. But the city centre parlour she joined - basically a pub with a sitting area at the front and bedrooms at the back - was not the drug-fuelled dive she had imagined. "All the women here are lovely," she says. "We spend a lot of time sitting and talking. I'll stick it out a bit longer."
Good money
Some might question the morality of Sophie's choice, but legally it cannot be faulted.
Since the Prostitution Reform Act of 2003, brothels have been allowed to operate more or less freely. Sex workers have the same rights as everyone else. In the eyes of New Zealand's law, the oldest profession is just like any other.
This policy stands in marked contrast to Europe. In 1999 Sweden criminalised the purchase of sex services, and several countries are introducing similar laws in an attempt to combat trafficking.
Ask New Zealand sex workers what they think of Swedish-style strictures, and the response is overwhelmingly negative. "Whether you're prosecuting the men or the girls, you're still prosecuting the business," says "Lucy", 23, from Wellington.
Lucy works in Bon Ton, an exclusive establishment in the capital where an hour-long session costs NZ$400 (£140; $200). She says the reform has given her the opportunity to work for a legitimate business in a safe environment. "I make twice what I was earning in retail. I am appreciated by customers and my boss. I can work whenever I want to - it's by far the most gratifying work I've ever had," she says.
Legal rights
Lucy's manager, Sarah, also believes criminalising clients would be a disaster for the industry and put the girls at risk. "This would scare away the quality customers," she says. "We would be left with the dangerous sort. The nasty men won't go away."
Bon Ton - which thrives on "quality customers" like lawyers and civil servants - certainly looks like an ideal showcase for New Zealand-style liberalisation.
The bedrooms look like luxury suites, the upstairs office looks like - well... an office, and the workers say they are treated with respect. Sarah insists she has zero tolerance for abuse and will back the girls even if they refuse a client. "I can't force a woman to have sex," she says. As she speaks another girl appears at the door, draped in a towel. "Myah" looks at the work ahead, and realises that a client who often insists on having oral sex without a condom wants to see her. "I don't want him," Myah says. "No problem," Sarah replies. "I'll tell him you're not available." Myah is not afraid to turn down work. Her health is at stake, and the law requires a condom for any commercial sex act. "It is my legal right to make that demand," she says. But are the benefits from legalisation confined to high-end businesses like Bon Ton? According to Catherine Healy of the New Zealand Prostitutes Collective (NZPC), better and safer working practices are now the norm. Across the industry, she says, women are now aware of their rights and exploitative brothel owners are becoming marginalised as a result of the reform.
"Sex workers say: I can work across town," she says. "The dynamic has altered."
Anna Reed, who was a sex worker in Christchurch for 23 years and is now NZPC's local spokesperson, agrees that exploitative practices have become rare. "Owners used to demand huge fines for being late. They used to hire and fire workers without reason." But now, she says, "girls feel more able to stand up for themselves".
Limited change
Another key benefit of decriminalisation, according to Ms Healy, is a sea change in relations with the police: "If you're the one committing a crime, you won't ask the police for help." Now, Ms Healy says, the girls find law enforcement officials are on their side. This idea was borne out by a parliamentary report last year, which gave a positive assessment of the reform. It said prostitutes were more likely to report violence to police, and officers were treating their complaints seriously. Some brothel operators, however, are not so sure the reform has made a big difference. Bon Ton owner Jennifer - who got into the sex business after decriminalisation - says some old-style establishments are still exploiting people. "This is still an industry in transition," she says. Monique, who ran brothels before 2003 and now owns Capri, a "Gentleman's club and garden bar" in Christchurch, also plays down the impact of the reform - but for the opposite reason. She says relations with police were good even when bordellos operated illegally. And then, as now, exploitation of girls was never widespread, Monique adds. "We now have a fat, legal agreement with the workers but they are treated the same."
A sure sign that New Zealand's sex trade has not been entirely revolutionised is that society still frowns on it. Last year a teacher was sacked when it was learnt that she occasionally - and perfectly legally - moonlighted as a prostitute. Many sex workers keep a regular part-time job to avoid leaving suspicious gaps on their CVs. They tell only trusted friends about their main activity. None of the working prostitutes and madams interviewed for this report was ready to give their real names. Brothels may be legal but most New Zealanders prefer not to live next to one. Bon Ton never mentions an address in its adverts - only a phone number. In Christchurch operators had to fight a proposed zoning law that would have kept them out of most areas. But the overwhelming majority in the business feels huge progress was made when the industry emerged from the shadow. Anna Reed says she loved working as a prostitute - "I had sex, money and men!" - and resents enduring clichés about a job no-one in her right mind could willingly embrace. "We get so pissed off when politicians portray us as victims," she says. "It's important to blow down the stereotypes about sex workers - particularly that of the poor girl who is coerced into doing it."
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Bandhu Milan
What I liked best about this event was that all of us felt accepted and we did not feel as if we were different from others, and who we were and what we believed in were not sinful or a crime. Each of us had dressed up for the occasion as we wanted to, and danced away to the tunes as we wanted to. Subham the President of Sakha took the lead in making us feel at home.
I wish we get to celebrate more of these events as this is the only way we can celebrate our identity and orientation.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
- What is Transactional Sex?
- There are different factors which influence our sexuality like our economic, social system, gender, law, history, culture, ethics, religion, political etc. But I do not understand how political factors affect our sexuality?
Saturday, March 21, 2009
The anatomy of sexual abuse:
Bad parenting is the worst possible secret in India, we turn our sons into bullies who revel in physical brutality, and we force our daughters to passively accept what is being doled out to them. In India we do believe that families do not require counselling on parenting, we believe that it is automatically learnt (as we believe sex is automatically learnt and should not be talked, discussed or be taught) once we have children.
One of my acquaintance has a son below 18 who is really spoilt, vicious, manipulative, and communal to the core, I and people around her believe that he requires counselling, the mother of this bully has stopped talking to us as she believes that only mentally ill people go for counselling, I would like to tell her, “Madam, your son is mentally ill, he needs counselling”.
I know a acquaintance who beats up his daughter black and blue for no fault of hers, but each time we bring that up, he would say, ‘I do it for her own good’ otherwise she is going to get spoiled. I know of young boys being sexually abused by their elder cousins, uncles and their fathers’ friend. In fact recently a man in his thirties who had come for counselling shared with me his story where as a young child of 8 a 18 year old cousin had lured him to oral sex and that happened a number of times before he realized that something was wrong and started hiding from him, his parents would constantly push him to be with his elder cousin and beat him up when he refused to go near him. .
I know about a NGO in one of the Districts of Orissa who manage a womens shelter where young girls are brutally and sexually exploited by the chief and staff of the NGO. These are Government sponsored shelters, where monitoring is lax and where the person who monitors can be bought with a Rs. 599/- Peter England Shirt.
What have we been doing about this?? Nothing really because there is no established mechanism which will hear your stories and take necessary actions, nor do people think that this is a issue that needs attention.
More of these cases need to come out in the open and should be highlighted, so that we don't think that these incidences are BIZARRE, RARE and does not happen in a TRADITIONAL?? CARING?? FAMILY ORIENTED?? country like India, and more importantly it will make other family members aware and alert to these possibilities that might be happening under their nose.
Ultimately our goal should be to prevent and protect the tender and innocent children who still probably cannot comprehend that a crime has been perpetrated against them by the very near and dear ones that they love and cherish.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Sex with a virgin
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Media Reporting on vulnerability, sexual minority and HIV&AIDS
I did feel that these were issues not being covered by Indian Express. And in Orissa the choices of getting a newspaper which is impartial, unbaised is very limited. One of my close friends who knows me and my eccentricities gave me his subscription of Indian Express and asked me to go through it for a month. Surprises! Surprises, I loved it. In the month of February and March it covered a range of issues starting from crimes against women to the limited option of women having to chose between safety and freedom to sexual minorities issues. I had to eat my words about this newspaper. I have again started subscribing the newspaper. I am sharing one on Status of women for all my friends to read:
ORISSA Ranks high in crimes against women/Sunday/March8 2009/Page II
by Sanjeev Kumar Patro.
According to the latest National Crimes Record Bureau (NCRB) Orissa is placed 11th in the list of States ranked as per crimes against women and has accounted for 4% of such incidences recorded nationally. THe most disturbing fact is that nearly three women were being raped in the State every 24 hours. The cases under the Dowry Probibition Act have risen stupendously outscoring the national trend. With an increase of 25 percent nationally, Orissa alone accounts for one fourth of the cases. Suicides by women have risen by six percent in the state. Category wise, 71 women have ended their lives owing to dowry abuse or harassment in 2007, 14 for not conceiving, and 20 for the reason of cancellation of their marriage, an offshoot of probable dowry cause in 2007. Eleven women took to suicide to excape from terminal diseases like cancer against nil in males. this aspect highlights the economic subservience status of women in our society as treatment for diseseases scuh as cancer are considered to be costly. As many as 28 women committed suicide owing to divorce against nil in males, which is the third highest in the country. WIth 15 suicides owing to illegal pregnancies, Orissa is number two in the country with as high as 53 women in the State cutting short their lives owing to illicit relations.
Shame on us, that we still have not been able to provide freedom and safety to women in Orissa. And we in Odisha have still not understood why gender based budgeting is important to protect and keep women safe and free from discrimination in Orissa.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
A Poem
- Written by an African Kid
When I born, I black
When I grow up, I black
When I go in Sun, I black
When I scared, I black:
When I sick, I black
And when I die, I still black
And you white fellow:
When you born, you pink:
When you grow up, you white
When you go in sun, you red
When you cold, you blue:
When you scared, you yellow:
When you sick, you green
And when you die, you grey:
And you calling me colored??
Friday, March 6, 2009
email messages
HIV&AIDS Prevention Programme In Orissa
I published this brief below in AIDSINDIA Forum, and I have received many responses about the state of HIV&AIDS programme in Orissa.
Many of them are surprised that this state of affairs continues with the planners and educationist and wonder what would be the common man's opinion about HIV&AIDS.
Many of them are not surprised as they are working in Orissa and have heard these kinds of biased, wrong and irresponsible statements from those who are planning as well as those implementing the HIV&AIDS programme.
Many of them believe that this is a serious issue and needs to be taken at every level. Two of them have stated that they were a part of the mentioned meetings and have heard the remarks and were shocked when they heard it, but kept quiet in the meeting as they really did not know how to respond to it.
What do you do when you hear statements like this? Simply keep quiet or stand up and respond to the statement, this was one of the questions that a reader has asked me.
I can only tell you what I do when irresponsible statements like this are made. I stand up and respond and ensure that the statement is clarified. Red Ribbon clubs, workshops organized by Universities, and any other meetings are important place where people gather to hear facts; it is important that we stand up and ensure that at least correct and accurate information is provided to all.
ODISHA-One will be organizing a series of one day media workshop where we will be discussing not only about HIV&AIDS reporting but also about misrepresenting factual information about HIV&AIDS and the resulting stigma and ongoing discrimination.
Mr. Loknath Mishra, a leading member of the consortium is going to lead this process. We hope that these kinds of initiative even though they are small will help and support the prevention process
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
HIV&AIDS Prevention Programme In Orissa
11 February 2009: In Berhampur University a sensitization workshop on HIV and Migration was held, this was organized by Central Board for Workers Education. The Vice Chancellor of Berhampur, Dr. Bijoy Kumar Sahoo in his key note address spoke briefly about HIV&AIDS and said,” HIV is dangerous and so contagious that it can spread through touch”. He further stated,” A few African people killed a monkey and ate the meat of the monkey resulting in spread of this virulent disease.
In the same meeting Dr. Trinath Behera, the MLA of Gopalpur and retired Chief District Medical Officer said the following, “if you go and shave in saloon, or have a haircut then you will get AIDS, he further said, ‘Prostitutes have been given certificate that they are not infected with AIDS’, and further said, ‘when you visit them ask them for their certificate, once you have verified then proceed’.
In another meeting of the Red Ribbon Club held at Sasana High School retired CDMO, currently working as contractual Medical Officer in Jagdalpur was invited as Chief Speaker said, “people say that AIDS cannot be spread through mosquito, but I don’t believe it, AIDS is spread through mosquito”.
In PPTCT training facilitated by Aruna and supported by Aruna and OSACS, Doctors argued that AIDS can be spread through mosquito bites.
Chandrasekhar Sahoo, MP, Berhampur has in several meetings said, People with AIDS get it because of sins and mistakes they have committed.
In the ART Centres 2 Kg cereals are being provided to PLHIV&AIDS on the packet it has been stamped, it is only for people living with HIV&AIDS. When PLHIVs in Berhampur reacted they were asked to give it back or shut up.
Don’t these incidents say something about Orissa and the HIV&AIDS programme in Orissa.
Do we still feel that enough is being done to prevent HIV&AIDS in Orissa.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Since the last few weeks any newspaper that you open you will see the impact that the term 'slumdog' has had on our media, our intellectuals and the rich, who either support it or are against it.
I am not sure whether any of us here in India like this term,and when this is translated into local language then it is worse, I mean in Oriya we would translate it as, 'basti ra kukura', terrible but I think one has to accept it, the very fact that a slumdog is a term that is now being used to describe the marginalized, vulnerable, the poor, the unserved, the underserved makes it all the more important for us to see where have we gone wrong especially while developing programmes and initatives for the marginalized(slumdogs).
I am sure that SLUMDOGS the movie which is currently the flavour of the moment, will be used unashamedly by us both positively and negatively, till we wait for another movie to depict scenes equally breathtaking, distasteful to our middle class sensibilities, very real but unbelievable.
The power of words
Friday, February 27, 2009
What I believe in
For me homosexuality is something that one is, an unchosen orientation. Sexuality is genetically predetermined perhaps with some unknown environmental factor in early childhood which "turns on" the gene or genes. Neither heterosexuality, bisexuality, nor homosexuality is inherently sinful. IT IS FREE OF SIN if it is safe, consensual and, I do know many of my gay friends who are in a committed relationship, and are absolutely faithful to their partners. YES. Official recognition and legal approval of their relationship and government benefits are a fundamental civil right.
Hope this helps.
Are we disturbing the social system?
If we shall not approve their sexual orientation, then whether we are not barring them from their basic need (sex)? We can not live without it. Then, what’s about their urge, rights? He questioned me that can I get married or have sex with my brother? My answer was ‘no’. Again, he told that a time will come Mother will tell that she has sexual orientation towards her daughter(with consensus) or brother will say he has sexual orientation towards his sister. At that time again a few NGO will bred up & do advocacy or fight for their rights or mobilize people to respect their choices keeping in view of 05 core values of SRH because, we should respect to their sexual orientation. I did not accept it. At last, he concluded that we people are doing a mumbo-jumbo in the name of social service. They are not really needy.
After that moment, I am feeling very unrest because I was not able to mobilize him by giving sufficient justifications. How can I justify my work? I know I am right. But, I have no strong argument to counter his question.
Dear friends, Can anybody help me? Are you also facing such problems? If yes, how you handle it assertively?
Thursday, February 26, 2009
A query
What is second republic mentality in participatory programming?
Frankly to tell you the truth I donot have the answer to this, however I have tried to break the term up and understand what that exactly means.
Republic if I put it simply refers to being governed by elected representative of the people and a elected president(e.g Republic of China).
Mentality refers to a particular person's way of thinking.
Participatory programming refers to a process that involves all the stakeholders into a process or activity and produces certain outcomes which would be beneficial to all the stakeholders.
I am really not sure how to link all these terms up and come up with a definite answer, so all you blog readers if you have the answer to this, please respond, as I too am curious to know what 'second republic mentality in participatory programming refers to.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Let kids be kids
Monday, February 16, 2009
gender dysphoria
people who experience discord between their gender and expectations of others or whose gender identity conflicts with their body, manifesting as depression or inability to work and form healthy relationships with others is referred to as gender dysphoria or gender identity disorder. transgender people may be eligible for diagnosis of GID only if [being transgender] causes distress or disability. This diagnosis is often over-simplified to mean that simply being transgender means a person suffers from GID which is not true. Transgender people who are comfortable with their gender, whose gender does not directly cause inner frustration or impair their functioning, do not have GID and are not applicable for a related mental disorder. Further, GID is not permanent and is usually resolved through therapy and transitioning, especially its social aspects. Neither does GID imply an opinion of immorality - the psychological establishment holds the position that people with any kind of mental or emotional problem should not receive stigma. The solution for GID is whatever will alleviate suffering and restore functionality; this often, but not always, consists of undergoing a gender transition. Transgender issues are both new in the scientific field and affect relatively few people, so understandably many mental healthcare providers know little about transgender issues. People seeking help from these professionals often end up educating the professional rather than receiving help. However, gender identity is new to psychology and research is still in its infancy.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
A Buddhist perspective on DSD
Buddha the enlightened one said, ‘you are all intelligent children and I am sure you will be able to understand and practice things I will share with you…. When you children peel a tangerine (fruit like a small orange with loose skin) you can eat it with awareness or without awareness. What does it mean to eat a tangerine in awareness? When you are eating with awareness you fully experience its lovely fragrance and sweet taste. When you peel the tangerine you know that you are peeling the tangerine; when you remove a slice and put it in your mouth; you know that you are removing a slice and putting it in your mouth; when you experience the lovely fragrance and sweet taste of the tangerine, you are aware that you are experiencing the lovely fragrance and sweet taste of the tangerine, and you eat each morsel in awareness, chew each bite to get the most out of that morsel and saw how precious and wonderful taste the smell of each section of the tangerine is. When I eat the tangerine I do not forget how wonderful the tangerine is. And thus the tangerine is real; the person eating it is real. That is what it means to eat a tangerine in awareness.
When you eat a tangerine without awareness? You do not know that you are eating a tangerine; you do not experience the lovely fragrance and sweet taste of the tangerine. When you peel the tangerine you do not know that you are peeling the tangerine. You do not experience the lovely fragrance and the sweet taste of the tangerine. You gobble it up, without appreciating the sweetness or fragrance of the fruit. If you are unaware then you eat the tangerine in such a way that you cannot appreciate how wonderful and precious this fruit is. If you are not aware that you are eating the tangerine, it is not real, neither is the person eating it is real. That is eating a tangerine without awareness.
“A person who practices mindfulness and is conscious and aware of his/her action then you can see the beauty of each and every individual. Like a tangerine if one is aware than one sees thousand things which have made the tangerine possible. If you pay attention and are aware as to how you talk with others, how you perceive others without knowing them, how to avoid thoughts and actions that might hurt, cause sorrow and hatred, then you make very few mistakes and also learn to respect each living being”.
I love this story, this is in a book written by THICH NHAT HANH a Vietnamese Buddhist monk titled, ‘ Old Path White Clouds’ and somehow aptly sums up stigma and discrimination, awareness of your thought and action helps in understanding the five core values of human rights, Dignity, Respect, Choice, Equality and Diversity. Awareness of one own action and creating awareness amongst others is probably the best way to ensure Denial, Stigma and Discrimination are prevented.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Growing up
That was the first time I realized that I had crossed my boundary where behaviour and dressing up was concerned, and as a BOY it is forbiddent to dress up in anything else other than pant and shirt.
Now I am 21 I still sometimes have the urge to try on some of the feminine accessories, like bangles, ear rings, nail polish but cannot, it is scary if I get caught again what will happen will I be again beaten up by my father or asked to leave the house? I dont know and I dont have the guts to try and see what will happen, maybe once I finish my studies and get a job. I will get the guts to do that. Let us see what will happen then.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Sex and sprirituality: the same, perhaps ?
Sex, sexuality, religion and spirituality..... explosive, contentious topics. The last four posts, passionately written as they are, are indicative of just how much intensity of emotion and depth of thinking these topics can generate.
Both sex, the act and the impulse, and spirituality, the feeling and the action, are the underpinnings of human life....part of our DNA, they come into being the moment we are conceived. And if GOD is the absence of ego, the known and self-identified, and ultimately, divisive self,
then both sex and spirituality lead to GOD.
How ? The moment of orgasm is the moment of 'no-thought', an eon contained in a second. So is the moment in meditation, where all awareness of body and mind disappears, as does time and space.
Whether we find the moment of 'no-thought' in an intense culmination of a physical and emotional act of sex, or through the sublime sense of one-ness that is spirituality, what does it matter ?
God in pain!!
If God is One!! why is this cry on religion discrimination??
If we, living organisms are his creation!! why is this animal slaughter??
If human beings are his superior creation!! why is this racial discrimination??
I slept pondering over this matter when a blaze awoke me. A voice from the dark clouds yelled at me "you are the almighty for a single day!! do as you wish" my eyes wide open with a stiffened body I dragged myself out of the cot. The world to which I belong is spoilt I dream to build a new one with innocent human beings untouched by the shadow of the previous one, this was my only wish at that very moment. Every thing happened as I wished...a new colourful world, new human beings, beautiful creatures all around. Oh I was glad to have my children so lovely and lively. Every one is dear to me, I love them all. My heart shatters at the cry of even the tiniest among them. I cant see them in pain, I feel proud when they love and respect each other as they belong to one creator. Whatever shape or size they may acquire they have a common thing i.e life which is my valuable invention.. Pleased to see everything in the right path I relaxed on my divine couch, when my heart pounded at the glance of a being standing in the middle with cruel eyes on it. The timid creature looked frightened and bewildered not finding where to accomodate itself. The plants, the birds, the insects, the fishes and the animals didnt accept it!! my favourite creature human beings didnt accept it too...'it was neither a male nor a female!!' was the ground of all these disputes. But how can I tolerate this?? This was not what I dreamt of.. I sprinkled life on them, a brain to understand, a heart of togetherness then where from this DISCRIMINATION arose?? I love them all how can I see them hating each other?? I had not dreamt of this, I cant see my children dividing among themselves and opting this violence...only few hours left..and I will be snatched away of my power!! what shall I do?? how will I stop them?? they are marching towards the old spoilt dark world. I love them all!! I feel captive ,my limbs breath sighing, I have no strength, no power.. I failed!! when suddenly I woke up at a whisper to find my mom sitting beside me. I cried 'I failed mom... I love them all!! how painful it would be for God, the one creator to see His valuable inventions going in vain'....