Monday, December 29, 2008


In a recent meeting, held in Capital Hospital, Bhubaneswar on 27 December, on stigma and discrimination, a PLHIV member brought up the issue that in most of the prescriptions provided in the column of diseases the Medical Officer of that hospital write AIDS, this has resulted in discrimination as the nurses and the pharmacists mistreat them, the Medical Officer gave an explanation that he had certain moral responsibility towards other DOctors as the patient would never reveal his HIV status. The Participants straight away protested and argued with the Doctor, what about the rights of the patient, does the patient not have any rights.
Though the Doctor did not have any reply to that but he persisted in his belief. Rather the Medical Officer justified and stated that discrimination happens in every field and every issues and tried to trivialize this particular serious issue of concern of people being discriminated on the basis of their HIV status.
What can be done to change the attitude of Doctors; are we doing enough to change their attitude; are our training programmes adequate ; are we taught enough by our parents, teachers and elders about respecting life and human beings in general; I think these are questions that one should be constantly asking own self as well friends, families, loved ones enough.


Sarita said...

I think stigma and discrimination is not only for PLHIV but also for IDUs, and other people who are perceived as different, and may be bizarre. Stigma starts right in the family, being a ex drug user, I have been through a time when my family has disowned me, and if you ask any drug user they will say that the first discrimination starts with family, and I think teaching not to stigmatize and discriminate should start with parents and family members, and should be carried out further in schools.

Sarita said...

The above comments are Bikash, who is a ex drug user and currently working in a organization called "Hope Foundation", which primarily works with Drug Users. He believes and feels that if he had good communication with his parents during his teen( his drug habit started during his teen) then he probably would not have ever taken up drugs. Now he is managing a free telephone help line, and dreams of opening a drug rehabilitation Centre where he would focus not only on drug treatment but also a strong component would be family counseling.

"Here is to Bikash, a dreamer who dreams of a better world" free of discrimination- A true member of living with dignity club.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Bikash for sharing you story, I am a gay and I have been struggling to ensure that my family at least accepts me, but it has been tough, life has been difficult and I have struggled and still am struggling for dignity. But belief me things have been changing, I have friends and many of them are straight who give me the respect that I deserve, some of my colleagues are great to hang out with. I know I am a wonderful person who can be a great friend to all, and give respect and dignity to all. So hang on there friend we will be recognized for our talent and our skills and not for our habits or for our sexual orientation.

Unknown said...

I am Shruti a teenager.I don't know much about stigma and discrimination but i can only say that being a gay or a transgender is not abnormal even they are normal people,infact they are wonderful human beings.The society should accept them as they are.The society should not discriminate or stigmatize these people and hence try to respect them.

Bijoy said...

Living with dignity is a core value of society,and everybody deserves to live with positive self esteem and dignity.Unfortunately,the stark reality is that the society is not as humane as one expects it to be and discrimination happens every now and then and everywhere in family,office and society.There is no easy solution for this but we must do our bit to promote an understanding by openly talking about it.I strongly believe that it is the lack of understanding that results in discrimination.Moreover misperception occurs as frequently as perception in human dealings and thinking.